WOOHOO HAHA ALLELULIAH A FREAKING BIG MIRACLE HAPPENED LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I FREAKING PASSED MY IPPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then then then then then..... in JC 2, after much gym training, i managed to do one!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was the turning point.
exactly one yr ago, i could do 4.
by the end of BMT, i could pass with 7 pull ups.
by my broad jump fail like fuck.
at start of BMT, got 162. passing mark: 216. fuck shit man.
then by end of BMT, got 189. bloody platoon sgt chua make fun of me infront of the whole platoon. i'll never forget that.
so, becos that that cannot go command school, stuck in 8SAB as an M113 driver. but that's ok la. i got over that.
every day in bunk, i squat and squat and squat. and tuck jump and tuck jump and tuck jump. improver, deprove, improve, deprove. stuck at 189. henta kaki for 9 dam months. my mdm scold me "why cannot jump so simple", every one say "huh? fail jumping? so wasted..." every one say i cannot get corporal rank becos fail jump. dam wasted. i felt like shit. jumping was my waekness. my one weakness. the one reason i amounted to dam little in the army.
but now, to my utter utter surprise i PASSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!
on the eve of my one year anniversary of enlistment, i passed! Praise God.
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